
Showing posts from December, 2007

change of attitude

so I've been looking over my blogs and boy oh boy I've decided to have a change of attitude especially for the new year, DAM IT ALL THIS IS GOING TO BE ONE HELL OF A YEAR!!!!!


Well I'm officially done with school for a while the only time I'll get a break for the whole year so might as well enjoy it while I can!! So I haven't herd from Matt and I'm not really planing to for the rest of my life. just a little update on that aspect I'm doing my best to keep a positive attitude on relationships and all that "junk" it doesn't help when you see two of your classmates kind of being physically intimate it just makes me want to do allot of things but I keep to myself until I get home then I just break down and ???? with seeing them being close it hurts allot but I know it's not my place to say anything so I don't. Obviously I'm not over the whole thing of having my "boyfriend" leaving and then not really.......well come to think there was a whole lot of other things but in the long run, I've figured He just wasn't that into me, it hurts. Hence that's why I'm just trying to have a better attitude

for any who care

Well I've got to say that sense Matt has moved I've been the one calling and I got to tell you I'm tired of being the only one calling, so I have told him that we can still be friends but I'm just tired being the only one that puts forth the effort into this friendship, that if wants to talk he can call me any time. personally I don't think he will be calling any time soon. so I think this chapter in my life is closed. Sad to say but it's the truth, all I can do is move on with my life, and hope for the best for him.

gobble, gobble to hobble, hobble

well we go from stuffing ourselves at thanksgiving to "hobbling" over rapping paper from wrapping presents, snow & slush, racing to the stores through the snow and slush, most of all fighting for what you want at the store to give to your loved ones even when it means stealing it out of the carts of other people when there backs are turned. How pathetic have we become? oh you can't forget the overcharging and having to worry if you have enough money to pay for next months bills. the joy's of reality!!