
Showing posts from August, 2008

I like this picture

I was on the Internet and I saw this picture and I wanted to share, it's of a place in Maine. I have to say the state of Maine fascinates for some reason. it was the same way when I went to Alaska, Jackson whole, Wy, and China. I've been to NYC and that's the furthest north on the East coast that I remember. like I said in my last entry I want to at least go on a cruise of Maine and I've done the homework I just have to save up some money.


To anybody who I didn't offend in my last two entries and still give a crap to what I'm up to, I'm so exited about moving to full time at work. I will be working 6 days a week and I'm hoping to have Friday's off because it will be the only day away from my "clients" and people from school. So I can have just a me day and not worry about anybody else. from my understanding I'll tech. be shy by four hrs but I'll be counted as full time:( OK as you can tell I'm turning into a workaholic I wouldn't mind getting more hrs just so I can keep myself busy but I have school and right now I don't mind school I wish I could go through faster. just so I can work more!!!! because I'm sick of being a lazy bum and mooching off of others for everything. I'm exited that I can actually pay for my own things like wanting to snow board and pay for all the equipment and lessons, a dang nice digital camera or lens for the camera that I already have, h