
Showing posts from December, 2008


So the reason for the title is because I offered to work just for thanksgiving and Christmas day, BIGGEST MISTAKE EVER I have had people calling me NON STOP to work for them for the week of thanksgiving I worked two weeks straight with no brakes then for Christmas same thing. I'm so glad that I'm going to a reunion on Mon. and Tues. Dec. 29 and 30 so I can relax, also I have my original two days off on that same week on Thursday and Fri. I'm going down to St. George for the new year because I can!! I'm putting my phone on silent so nobody calls me to cover there shift. I'm so exited to have all this time off all in one week. the funny thing is that I'll be 6 hr. shy of having my reg. hrs for the week, how I pulled it all off ?I work my butt off. next yr. I'm making sure I'm getting the holidays off!!!! so I can hopefully enjoy the holidays instead of despising them literally. Now you know why I HATE the holidays.

costco $$$$$$

so today I decided to go to Costco and get a membership (I had one a couple of yrs ago but canceled it) while I was there I forgot that you buy things in bulk. So I decided to shop for some food, when I got to the check out stand I was thinking to myself how much it would be, I was way off!!! it was way more expensive than I remember. but the nice thing about this is that I won't have to go shopping for another month for food sense I live by myself. what's really nice I'll only have to grocery shoping 12 times a year!!! instead of every week going to the store for food and eventually have it end up costing the same at the end of the month might as well shop once and your done now that's what I call shoping!!!! while I was there I was able to get other things that I needed which was nice now I don't have to get those items for SEVERAL months yah!!!

people that make me laugh

so I was at work the other day and I had to take one of the guys to get a pop and he just happened to do something funny so I laughed and told him that he was funny and the response that he had was...."I know I am" then laughs which made me laugh even harder. I wasn't expecting that at all, which in itself was funny. I have many many other stories like this which makes working with the mentally challenged all worth it. I have to say I love working with these people!!