new friends in dreams

so I know my mom will love this and she knows why. so I had a dream the other night and that I became friends with Ellen DeGenres (I think that's how you spell her last name) And Vin Desiel and I hung out with them all the time and had the privlage to go to there houses well I even helped Vin go apt. shoping and the place was huge!!! well this one day I went to go visit Vin and outside his apt bulding is a park and I was walking across the park and it seemed that everybody that I ever knew in my life was in that park and they all wanted to sit and chat with me and know all the gory details of my life and what I was up to and I didn't want to I felt like I moved on with my life and had new friends and I felt like nobody wanted me to move on to be with my new friends not thats bad but I felt like I was so held back and that I couldn't move on with my life. talk about frustating!!!!! but who wouldn't want to be friends with Ellen Degeners somebody who can make you laug...