
Showing posts from June, 2009

"memories, from the corners of my mind" from Barbra Srtisand?

so yesterday I went to Provo craft to pick something up and I saw a pigeon, I watched it as I was walking to the store and it reminded me of Europe when my family and I lived there for a yr. we would make fun of the pigeons there in Europe because we had nothing else to do while we were on some excursion in some country in western Europe. don't get me wrong we had a great time, we made it more intresting by making fun of pigeions!

random thoughts by Amy (I hope this is not to graphic to those who read this and I don't inend to offend)

so I was talking with a co-worker last week and I randomly asked her what was better sex or better than sex cake? she looked at me funny and just laughed (by the way she has been married) she asked me where I came up with that question and I told her I was wondering about it and thought I would ask, her reply was the best thing to do is eat some cake after I get married, I thought to myself that is a posability mabey I'll try it when I get married. in the meantime I'll never know and that's ok by me, might as well just enjoy the cake.