West Wendover

so I went on a little get away for myself so I can stay sain and to just regroup as a human being. don't get me wrong I had the time of my life in Lake Powell I just needed "alone time" I thought it was funny with the Utah/Navada state line across the street I've never seen that before! with me on the bed I was trying to get a picture like George on "Sinfeild" and that's the best picture without making myself look like.....so that's why I have this one instead of one of the others, trust me I look like a dork in the others! oh and with the salt flats I've never been there and it was on the way to West Wendover, it made me want to drive my car off the road and drive as fast as I can without scaring myself pantless but then I thought I just bought new tires and I can't aford to get new ones so I stayed on the road. mabey another lifetime in a clunker that is ready to fall apart.