
Showing posts from October, 2009

I'm so proud of myself!

so for my b-day I asked for a power tool and when I asked for that people were like why would you need a power tool for? I'm like YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND I DO MY OWN PROJECTS ON MY HOUSE AND I DON'T NEED A REPAIR MAN TO PUT LIGHTBULBS IN WHEN I CAN DO IT MYSELF! the only time I'll get a repair man is when I don't know how to fix/do it myself other wize I would do it. so this is what I have done with my power tool and I have more projects to do!
so last saterday I took some of the guys I work with on a haunted train, it's great for the whole family,GREAT for little kids. the guys that I work with were scared that it was going to be really scary but when they got off the train they thought it was SO MUCH FUN! they want to do it again next year. all this week that's all this one guy talked about how we went on the haunted train! for me I'm like I know because I took you. the funny thing is that the guy that enjoyed it the most was the guy that said that he liked it the most.

some autumn pictures that I LOVE

I know I did this last year but I LOVE the autumn IT FEELS SO GOOD! the summers are always so hot and I'm always very unconfortably hot (it's like when you try to go to bed at night and it's way to hot to sleep and your just misrable) it's no fun being that way hence that's why I love the autumn.