
Showing posts from May, 2012

table topics

Ok so i kind of did th same thing on my face book and I wanted to do the same thing on here as well but I have these cards that I have that are great for striking up a conversation and here's one that I like: What place on earth are you the most spiritually connected to? for me I have to say Cooke City, Montana I love that place and all ya have to do is go outside and go for a small hike and I feel like I'm in "GOD'S" country I LOVE IT! but I have to say that I have been to many other places on earth that are very "spiritually" inspiring like Hawaii that if you went to a part of an island that's not very populated I can see how you could feel spiritually inspired. but I have to say this is the hippie part of me comming out but I have to say in my defence that GOD did make this world. I think if you had a hymn book, your scriptures, ensign, your journal, and time to meditate (or think about what you read) I think you could be very inspired or anybody