
Showing posts from October, 2012

Best birthday presnt EVER!!!!

Since my last post my mom was nice to help me in getting anti-depressants for my birthday and what a world of difference I feel so much better I am actually feel happy instead of having to fake it.

New depths of Hell

So I thought I would write because I have allot on my mind and  want to express myself about this topic. I have been dealing with depression for a long time, I have noticed it has been harder for me to cope with more now than in the past.  I don't know what to do except write and just express some feelings even if they are very dark and dangerous to express. I know this will be a good " release" for me and this is why I am writing. For anybody who doesn't know what it's like to go through depression here is just a taste of what it's like. Before my husband and I had our second yr. anniversary I was feeling really low (which has been the first time feeling like this) I thought of killing myself with sleeping pills, putting a plastic sack over my head, with a rubber band around my neck, and going to "bed" so I don't have to wake up the next day. That night we had a huge fight and I told him about killing myself and I just cried. We talked it th