
Showing posts from 2016

My cat my little best friend and "baby"

My cat Puffy she is my little best friend because she has been there for me when I have had really hard times and I feel like we are really close and I feel like she is like my "baby" even though I know she is not human. I know she is a smart little thing but she did the most dumbest thing possible she went into a vent and got stuck in the heating unit in the basement. It freaked me out because of her doing that I feel lucky that I have Ian as well to help get her out because other wise I don't know what I would do. he was able to keep his wits about him and get Puffy out and I scolded her and hugged her at the same time then hugged Ian when he did finally get her out. this is the first time she has ever done something like this which is really odd because she is a really good cat but I think curiosity got the best of her finally with a vent in the laundry room being broken and not on the wall correctly, we made sure it was taped on the wall very well so she doesn't d

Revamped or more like growing up?

I read some of my old post I seemed to be caught up in just being self centered, immature and that I used this blog as a gateway to exploit my feelings and others. Now I just want to use this blog as a journal of wanting to be a better person and great accomplishments not as a crutch for bad behavior. Plus it's a new year and I want to be a new me in wanting to be better even if it means taking it one moment at a time. I know it's going to be hard because of depression and anxiety but sometimes that's all it takes just taking it one moment at a time, I've come to the grips with that.  but I want a better life for myself and might as well share with others if they/you want to read.