
Showing posts from November, 2007

So Christmas season has come

Did you hear how some woman wants Santa Clause to stop saying "HOHOHO" because it's offencive? My thought exactly. I have no comment for that lady, I think she gets confused if Santa is calling her or not. (bad joke) she needs to find a day job that requires her to .... so she can quit her "night" job. I haven't herd from Matt yet I've called his phone a couple of times and it goes straight to voicemail, I'm figuring he's either got his phone turned off or the battery is dead. I've e-mailed him also and no response, I'm hoping he's not dead!! Thought I'd let you know if anybody cared.

so so suck your toe all the way to mexico

so I have to say that Matt & I have decided to be friends sence he is in Michigin and I'm here in Utah. it sounds like my life should be a country song all you have to do is put all this junk on my blog together and there you go. the name of the song should be called Michigin instead of Austin (if any of you are country fans you know what I'm talking about) so life goes on and hope things go for the best.

it's still hard

so it's been a week and I've called him practically every day, he's doing good he started his job today, he's so exited because he's been in "limbo" ever since he found an apt. the Suck thing is that he can't move into his apt. till next week from my understanding, but he is able to work. for him he is able to work to keep him busy til he can move into his apt. then when he does move he will be supper busy with trying to get settled in to his apt. I thought I would update everybody on Matt and what is going on with him.

just an update for your information

talk about like total gossip like, you know, what I said in the heading FYI Matt made it to Detroit and he's doing good. he's had a couple of leads on apt.'s and he's checking them out to see what's the best one. his stuff comes next week so he can have time to find an apt. proves how dorky my life is, just wanted to let anyone who cares know. at lest I know my life is consistent, going to school full time during the day Mon.-Thurs. and working part time @ XXI.

harder than I thought

So I know it's been three days and I know I need to get over this but it's harder than I thought!! It's hard not to go to his office and talk with him during the lunch break, or even during a 10 min. break half way through class. it's hard not to go to his house after work sense he lived not to far from the mall. it's not to hard to think of him when he's practically driving across country by himself and hoping he doesn't fall asleep behind the wheel, get a speeding ticket,or even get into an accident because he was speeding and fell asleep behind the wheel, in the long run I know he's OK. I've been calling him once a day to at least to check to see if he is doing ok and he is making better progress than expected and I'm glad but that dosn't make me stop worring about him getting a ticket, or getting into an accident. (I sound like a Mom) I care about him, because he's the best thing that has ever came my way (besides my family).

my man is leaving, how sad is that?

so listen to this!! my man is moving out of the state he got a job in Michigan in the Detroit area and leaves tomorrow how sad is that!! he applied for the job before we started dating & he found out that he was starting on the 13 of this month. we have spending allot of time together and I've been helping him pack so he's not so stressed out. the nice thing about spending all this time together is that it has given us a chance to get to know each other better.