
Showing posts from April, 2009

how powerful dreams can be

so my family knows that I'm a big dreamer meaning that I have dreams every night. all growing up and to this day I have dreams! well last night I had a dream and I had an epiphany or more like a realization while I had this dream that ever scenes I have had this job my quality of life has gone down hill and fast. and what I mean by this is that within a year of having this job my health has gone down hill, my attitude about things have changed dramatically and my house is a total wreck. among allot of other aspects in my life. I didn't really acknowledge this til just last night when in my dream the program director called me into his office and confronted me on allot of things that I did and almost loosing my job they would give me one last chance to do my things right and if I flub up one more time I have no job. that scared the living daylights out of me because just the day before I had a miscommunication with the assistant manager with some things and the manager came an

baseball junkie

For all of you that read this I'm a big sucker for baseball and baseball season is on it's way of being in full swing. so far I've only watched one game on T.V. with the Yankees and the Red Socks, I don't know who won I was at work so that's my lame excuse of not finishing the game. what's really sad is that I have a doorbell ringer that can change tunes and I switched the tune to "Take me out to the ball game"

what a day

so I go to work and I have a bad feeling and I was right somthing happened I had a plastic gun thrown at my head and I ended up with three staples in my head!!! and then my supervisor made me stay and finish my shift!! and he was mad that he had to come back and cover for a couple of hrs while I went to the hospial. I'm talking to the head guy and telling him what happened.