how powerful dreams can be

so my family knows that I'm a big dreamer meaning that I have dreams every night. all growing up and to this day I have dreams! well last night I had a dream and I had an epiphany or more like a realization while I had this dream that ever scenes I have had this job my quality of life has gone down hill and fast. and what I mean by this is that within a year of having this job my health has gone down hill, my attitude about things have changed dramatically and my house is a total wreck. among allot of other aspects in my life. I didn't really acknowledge this til just last night when in my dream the program director called me into his office and confronted me on allot of things that I did and almost loosing my job they would give me one last chance to do my things right and if I flub up one more time I have no job. that scared the living daylights out of me because just the day before I had a miscommunication with the assistant manager with some things and the manager came and helped out straighten things out. and both the assistant manager and I realized that both of us miscomunicated things and told the manager and not the other person but it was a good learning experience or whatever you want to call it for both of us. but I think that with this experience it got into my subconscious and then had a dream of me almost loosing my job. but it mad me relize how I need to work on my own personal life and on have my life run by my job


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