some very sad news

on Thursday Oct. 7 Ian and I were hanging out watching a baseball game on TV and Mini was laying on the back of the couch and I herd mini let out a small little meow and then a little while later I feel him flop down onto me and I thought it was so cute that he was so relaxed that he flopped onto me and that he was in such a deep sleep he didn't move well Ian thought it was cute to and he took a picture and then asked is he breathing and we both checked and he wasn't breathing he has died out of the blue I've never cryed so heard and yelled no so hard and wanting to come back to life I tryed doing CPR on him and it didn't work and then I knew he was dead I just sat there and hugged mini and cryed and screamed "no no this can"t happen and was to live for 20 yrs and he can"t die tonight" after a half hour we decided to bury him buy the house next to a tree so Ian went to his old house and got a shovel while I spent the last moments before we has to be buried my mom happened to come by after Ian got back and she was able to help with some things before we had to put him into the ground I was able to say my last good bye before I put him into the hole that Ian dug and I was able to put the first shovel of dirt on him I have to say that was the hardest thing I had ever has to do Ian was able to put the rest of the dirt on him and did a good job of buring him I don't think I would have been able to do it myself after Ian was done we said a prayer to have clozer and my mom left so we could spend more time to ourselves then Ian and I decided to go to walmart and get a little head stone & a plant so we can remember Mini my only concern that I have with having the headstone and plant that the matince guys that mow the lawn and cut shrubs will get rid of them after Halloween and I hope they Will notice that it's for Mini I guess we'll find out but today it was very hard I kept cryimg while at work and it just hurt knowing he's gone but this is my little tribute to him my little man and cuddle bug


Cher said…
I am so sorry to hear about Mini. I'm glad that Ian was there to comfort you.
Christine said…
That is so sad! So sad. But isn't it sweet that in his last moments he wanted to be on your lap? What a great pet!

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