negativity-pity party
So the past couple of day's I've been thinking about this and it's bothering me. so in the year of 2012 I have lost my job, lost all health insurance, filed for unemployment & food stamps,part time job as a crossing guard for the city of Provo, while doing that got a massive cold that has lasted two & 1/2 weeks, I ran out of all medications and can't get more without insurance, put my husband Ian through the ringer because of running out of anti- depressants. Trust me it hasn't been fun for me either because of having to deal with all of this junk. To really top it off I feel like my family thinks I'm a bum because I'm working part time and bumming off of the government for unemployment,not working at a real job I feel like I am ready to go into the mental institution because I don't think I can mentally Handel the stress from my own depression (which SUCKS)and to get bashed by loved ones. makes me really feel like I don't belong here on this planet nothing is working out for me this year.