
Showing posts from August, 2012

marriage and what you might find

So a while ago I was at what you call a "family gathering" of some sorts and I overheard a cousin who is about 10-14 (I'm guesstimating) yrs younger than I am and how she isn't married yet and how much she would love to get married and that she's almost an old maid (now considering I'm 34 and just got married a little less than 2 yrs ago)  I almost turned around and tore her a new one because of me being single for so long and just getting married, not to mention that we have 3 other cousins on the same side of the family who are older than me that are not married! Just baffles my mind that at her age be complaining about not getting married yet. Makes me think of Sherrie Dew I heard one of her talks at a women's conference (I went to before getting married) how in her life she's had many suitors and never really worked out (not because of her being picky) but how she was at one point even engaged. she also mentioned how hard it was for her to go thr