Very disturbing "dreams" even for an adult

So I posted that I was having flash backs of dreams and then after posting I had even more but this time they were more disturbing even for me as an adult. I talked to my husband about it and we are both convinced that I must have had one heck of a bad past life where I must have done bad things and worshiped the devil and it leaked into my subconscious when I was a small kid into this life.

I had dreams about this girl in my neighborhood that had spiders as eyes the body of the spider was where the eye of the girl was suppose to be and the legs of the spider on her face, I had that dream allot. Then I would have another dream where a guy was wearing a hokey mask, plaid shirt, blue jeans and beating me with a metal base ball bat.  These dreams were in the house we lived in before the house  my mom lives in now.

When we moved into the house that my mom lives in now I started having dreams about a red eyed goat that was trying to take me back where I needed to finish some things (I guess I had some unfinished business who knows) then I would wake up and I was trying to get out of my room, it makes me wonder if I was trying to leave and get away from the red eyed goat or try and fallow him I don't remember all I know I was trying to get out of my room for some reason.

I have noticed that the older I have gotten the more the dreams would go away and I would have more normal dreams which is fine with me. That's the thing is that when I was a child I had these kind of dreams all the time, the older I got the more normal they got and so I wouldn't call them dreams more like nightmares now that I think about it.


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