
Showing posts from June, 2013

update on provo rec center

I know this might sound like some saga of the locker/restroom at the rec center in Provo but today I went back into the women's locker/restroom to face my demons/fears or whatever you what to call it and I did very well. I had no bad feelings or wanting to run out of the locker/bathroom screaming like a mad woman, hyperventilating, shaking like a leaf on a windy day. I had a very positive experience and I liked it. when I was backtracking through the locker/restroom a thought came to my head that the Holy Ghost had a part in this even though it may sound twisted and weird because I've told other people about this experience about this and they have mentioned that it could be the Holy Ghost prompting me to get out before it did happen and if I did stay in there if it would have happened and that's why I had been shaken to my "core" and left ASAP. but to today I felt so good and nothing "negative" happened which is good. yay!!!..................and the s

feelings, nothing but feelings and memories of dreams that I have had in the past

This morning I went to the Provo Rec Center to get a walk in for the day and to get to know the place better, I noticed the ladies locker/rest room on the main level that I never noticed before so I  thought might as well see what it looks like so if I needed to use rest room I know where to go. So I go in to check it out,  well the more I went in the more I felt uneasy and weirded out and then I remembered I had a dream that I had that I got brutally beaten and raped and left for dead  in a women's locker room that looked similar to this and it was creeping me out and the further I went in it was making me not like it and I almost was going to start to wig out then I just turned around and almost ran out of the restroom because of how uneasy I felt because of the feelings and memories of this dream that I had. I forgot about this dream until I went into this restroom and why would this restroom set the trigger of  having the memory of this dream in the first place? I think this is

funnest concert EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

I Loved coming to this because I was able to spend time with my hubby, meet a guy that new my mom's side of the family history which was so cool and listen to bagpipes, drums, digary doo, and violin play all together in a "band setting" and sound good.


I have decided that I don't ever want to have kids in this life or in the next life because I have decided that I am by what other people's standards a "child molester" overbearing, to rough, yell at them for no reason what-so-ever horrible  person to be around with kids so I have self diagnosed that I'm not a great person to be around with kids because I am inappropriate around them in any and every way possible.