
Showing posts from January, 2008

update on my so called life or what it as become

well I'm still in school and liking it. I'm exited for this weekend, because I'm going snowmobiling with my family in Yellowstone!! I have to say Yellowstone has a special place in my heart, well concitering that I had to go through it every time I had to get to the cabin when I lived in Jackson Hole. the trafic was and probably still terable druing the day now just with snowmobile's I'd rather travel at night but you have the animals like moose, dear, bison to worry about hitting the car, with me through the windshild. so far so good nothing has happened!!!

just an update of my so called life so far

so all that are related to me know that you posably got an e-mail from Aunt Diane inviting all of us to join a little thing to better ourselfs, I've decided to take that challange and so far I'm doing ok, I know I can do better but knowing the my direct family we tend to wait til the last sec. to do something/anything and then "pull it out of our buts" when that time comes when we were supose to have it done yesterday!! but I'm hoping to loose the weight and keep it off because I've been doing some yo-yoing for the past coulpe of months with my weight. I'm wanting to be healthy by the time summer comes around.

what a new years party!?

so I went to a friends house for the new years and they had beer there I wasn't that interested in that but to see a friend of mine get drunk was sad to see how dependant on us other people to help her get around because she was so "wasted" and to see that in order to "relax" was to get drunk. it was a big eye opener/reminder for me that beer is not an answer to any problems because I have seen it in the past, I just needed to see that again as a reminder. Also going into the medical profession helps allot to see how the body works and what helps the body "deteriorate faster" to make you look older than you look what a way to bring in the new year huh hope your was better than mine.