the joys of getting old

so everybody has herd the saying from Steve Young that "if your not married by the age of 25-30 your a menace to society" well I'm expired!!! by a long shot. well ever scence I turned 30 I seriouly have felt like an old woman. I have seen 18 yr old girls or women walking around with babies and I wish I could be 18 again and change so many things so I wouldn't end up as an "old maid or the crazy CAT LADY". might as well be that crazy cat lady from the Simpsons who was a sucessfull lawer then just one day snaped and ended up as a bum on the street and had a tons of cats. well it looks like I'm on my way to snaping I have two cats already and adopted a stray. Also ever scence I've turned 30 I've had health problems and going to the dr. is not fun anymore. it has given me a reason to snap along with MANY, MANY, MANY other things of why I could "snap" don't get me wrong I think I've had a good life and having the opertunity to travel has been a blessing. Also being able to have a roof over my head and a place to rest my head(got to love the bed) I'm greatful for that as well. also a job to go to and an education to learn from. looking from the outside in on my life you would think I have it all and I do but the one thing I want so badly is to have somebody who is mentally normal and not a cat to just love me for who and what I am just a person wanting to make a good life for myself and do good in the world. but sence I'm so old I know that will never happen also with my health getting to be what it is I don't know if anybody would want to deal with me epecially here in the state of Utah. well as I tell everybody my life story but this is just scratching the surface of my life and the crazyness that goes on in my head.


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