work drama

ok so I have to say that I'm so glad that one of my co-workers is gone!! well, actually two of them they were nice but when it came to accually working and having common sence and they didn't have any what so ever!!! they didn't have the common sence to even work. (ok I'm mean) the other day I was so mad at my one co-worker I went to go do somthing that she could have done with no problem two hrs later I was stil so mad about it because it was so easy to to do. the only thing I could say was DUH!! well then yesterday I worked on paper work for a good 5 hrs and didn't make a dent in what needed to be done with the apartment. the girl that was over it made me even madder (if that is even a word) because this girl was over this apartment and she was supose to make sure there was all this paper work prepared for the month of Feb. but nothing was even done so I had to do it all from "scratch" I had to do my own paper work at my own apt. I didn't have time to even look at what I needed to do with my apatrment. another thing that makes me mad is that she thought that she had to go over to my apt. and do my work for me when I had already did the paper work that night so there would be two of everything and she would do it with me in the room and the thing that I didn't understand is that I would have the papre work on the fridge so you can see what I have done and she wouldn't acknowlage that it was even there. you have to be kidding me!!! every time that she would come over to may apt. I would be sitting down having a break and I think that's why she thought that I didn't do my job, because I keep up on my paper work and everything else so I can "take it easy" and not have to worry about everything all at once. I'm all about doing the work and keeping it up so I don't have to worry about it at the last min. well also with keeping up with everything it gives me more freedom to play and getting to know the ladies that I work with instead of having to be doing other things and not being with the "individuals" they get to know me as well. this is just scratching the surface of how I feel about this girl I can write a novel of things that just makes me go "DUH" do your job. so can you tell I'm venting, I had to get this off my chest I feel better. but there are other things that bother me about this girl but I don't think everybody wants to know every little detail.


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