EXITMENT at Thanksgiving Point

so the other day I go to Thanksgiving Point with my Grandma, Mom, John and my aunt and uncle it was so much fun!!! well anyways at the end of our day Grams needed to use the restroom and we all see this guy standing near the restroom area and I thought nothing of it but everybody else thought it so odd to see a guy in a suit. well anyways while I was waiting for Grams to come out of the restroom I sit down in her wheelchair and wheel around the area and low and behold a guy comes walking out of the restroom area and it took me a min. to really realize who it was,because he was walking around shaking peoples hands and he comes over and starts to shake my hand and in the middle of shaking his hand I stand up (and mind you I'm sitting in grandmas wheelchair) and it took him back for a sec. to have somebody sitting in a wheelchair suddenly stand up in the middle of a hand shake and to see the look on his face for a sec. was pretty funny. and the man who I'm talking about is Pres. Thomas S. Monson I think I made him think that he had the healing power from God, that or I scared him. well scenes it took me a min. to realize who he was it took me a min. to really stand up and give him respect and by the time I did stand up it was to late I was shaking his hand. but I thought it was funny to see the look on his face for that sec. to be taken back that I stood up from a wheelchair. talk about funny moment of the day. well and it was cool to see the Prophet and shake his hand. (hopfully my head will be able fit through the door way)


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