This is my life, what I have made of it, and what it has become.
eairly morning pics
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so the other night I woke up at a very insaine time in the morning and couldn't fall back asleep so I decided to get up and take some pictures at a park and here are some of them, it's not much. but right when I wanted to take more pictures a big group of people came out of nowhere and started walking around and started to warm up for yoga and so I ran away! the reason why is I would have scared them by the way I looked, like a HOBO! because I just happened to throw on whatever clothes I could find and my hair was matted down on one side of my head and spiked up on the other side and it looked pretty nasty because I used moose the day before so my hair didn't look pritty. to top it off I had my sunglasses on so I just looked scarry like a hobo. the funny thing is that I had flip flops on and decided to cut across the grass not thinking that the grass was wet and cold so trying to see a person of my size run is not pritty also my pants were getting wet because the pants that I had on were to long and that made my feet wet and even colder so I tryed to move faster and that is not good at all but finally I was able to get back to my car and drive away felling like an idiot.
Hey! Girl! Remember ME!?! I have been having dreams about your family. When i woke up this morning with another dream i told myself that i had to find you. So, here i am:) i hope that you are all doing well. i want to hear all about you and what is going on in your life and how the rest of the family is doing. please email me and we can catch up. remember i love you all and i have been thinking about you. love ya, your friend forever kim
I have decided that I don't ever want to have kids in this life or in the next life because I have decided that I am by what other people's standards a "child molester" overbearing, to rough, yell at them for no reason what-so-ever horrible person to be around with kids so I have self diagnosed that I'm not a great person to be around with kids because I am inappropriate around them in any and every way possible.
Would you choose differently if you could choose your occupation again? Why? How? Any advice? I have been thinking allot about having a new occupation (don't get me wrong I love working as a crossing guard) I wish I could take all the experiences that I have had from the time I graduated from high school til now and condense them into Jr. high til about 20ish, I know that would be allot in a "short" life but I feel like I could have the life I have lead but add to it with an education while still young. Don't get me wrong I don't regret my life at all I have learned allot from lifes lessons, it's not the "typical" Utah life but I would not trade what I have learned for anything. I would love to get an education in the highest degree posible and use it to the best way posible.
so I have to say I hope this works because I`m doing this on my phone but I have to say that my boyfriend is great and we`ve decided to get married but we arn`t getting married tommarrow and we arn`t getting married next month we are getting married in Sept. so if you have a problem that`s your oun falt. but we are happy and that`s that :)
remember i love you all and i have been thinking about you.
love ya, your friend forever