
Showing posts from September, 2009


I love,love,LOVE THIS WEATHER!!!! I have always been very hot blooded and this cooler weather feels SSSSSSSOOOOOOO good to me and so here is a picture of my front porch to get in the mood of halloween and the cooler weather

Rocky Mountain Raceway what a night!

so my brother in law wanted to race his new camero with his friend who just happened to get a new comreo and gave his old one to my brother in law so they wanted to race I wasn't able to get that race. But I was able to get a different one. went at 11 PM and didn't go to bed til 4 AM. it was allot of fun! allot of people, loud music, even louder cars who you would think that there engines were about to fall out of the car itself, can't forget the junk food! oh and to hear the people around us swearing every other word, for me I have no problem with the swearing I have a potty mouth myself. it was allot of fun!! just to be out of the "element" of being in Utah.

my First list

1. Who was my first love? I have to say that any of you who reads this probably knows who it is Landon Tooke. 2. Do you still talk to your first love? It's been a while sense I've last talked to him. 3. What was my first alcoholic drink? I think it was a beer. 4. What was my first Job? Provo Craft Warehouse 5. what was my first car? Honda 6. who was the first person to text you today? Cindy my sister 7. who was the first person in your thoughts today? Eminem I woke up with his latest song "beautiful" 8. First grade Teacher? I don't remember but I do remember my second grade teacher miss Hanson 9. my first plane ride? from what I remember to California 10. first Best friend and do we still talk? Kimberly Van levan, I have her # but I haven't called her yet but we have e-mailed 11. where was my first sleepover? I honestly don't remember 12. who is the first person I talked to today? my Mom 13. who's was the first wedding I've been to? the earlies

oh the joys of life

so a couple of weeks ago I was at work and wrecked my car and so I've had to drive the my moms sub but then my sister the bestst in the world found this car and my mom and I test drove it a couple of times and my mom was sold on the car the first time we drove it so I ended up buying it and heres a pic of what it looks like