my First list

1. Who was my first love? I have to say that any of you who reads this probably knows who it is Landon Tooke. 2. Do you still talk to your first love? It's been a while sense I've last talked to him. 3. What was my first alcoholic drink? I think it was a beer. 4. What was my first Job? Provo Craft Warehouse 5. what was my first car? Honda 6. who was the first person to text you today? Cindy my sister 7. who was the first person in your thoughts today? Eminem I woke up with his latest song "beautiful" 8. First grade Teacher? I don't remember but I do remember my second grade teacher miss Hanson 9. my first plane ride? from what I remember to California 10. first Best friend and do we still talk? Kimberly Van levan, I have her # but I haven't called her yet but we have e-mailed 11. where was my first sleepover? I honestly don't remember 12. who is the first person I talked to today? my Mom 13. who's was the first wedding I've been to? the earliest I remember is my aunt Diane and Clint's 14.what was the first thing I did this morning? I woke up then went went to the restroom 15. first concert? Gwen Stafani with Alan for a b-day present it was a first for both of us 16. first tattoo? on my lower back better known as the "tramp stamp" of two tulips 17. my first piercing? my ears 18.where did I go for my first time out of the country? I think it was Mexico 19. what was the first movie I remember seeing? I know I've seen other movies but the first one I remember going to is "overboard" 20. my first detention? never got detention ever 21. Who was my first roommate? Cindy, in our green house she kicked like none other 22. one wish what would it be? to have a healthy, happy, honest, and open relationship/ marriage that we both can be happy 23. what is something you would learn if you had the chance? where and who would I be, and who would I be with in 10-20 years and know what I would know then so if I made any mistakes I could correct them and make them better. if that makes any sense? 24. did you marry the first person to ask your hand in marriage? If I did I would have been in 5Th grade and I've never been asked sense 25. first lessons I ever took? I think it was gymnastics and I wish I would have stayed doing that


Angela said…
loved reading this.....I knew tons of people that like Landon. I did too but at that point I figured he was way out of my league.

Miss you

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