what's going to happen next?
so I have to tell you that I was talking with a co-worker last Wednesday and she's like hey there's a friend who is a guy that I think you guys would really hit it off! and I'm like OK and I sat there for a min. thinking to myself is this going to be a big mistake? a couple of days later she gave me his # and I text him later on that night we have been texting ever since. the odd thing is that we have so many things in common it's scary I've asked myself if is this guy gay, has a girlfriend, engaged, married and has a family, mentally challenged? the funny thing I asked him all that and he's as single as I am! "no strings attached " and nothing wrong (mentally) so we set up a time and a place to meet up but unfortunately has been sick the past couple of days and he doesn't want to risk getting me sick so he canceled the cool thing is that he did it ahead of time instead of last min. I think that is cool of him to let me know. so far he's a keeper! BUT KNOWING MY LUCK I'LL SCREW IT UP SOMEHOW AND I'LL NEVER HEAR FROM HIM EVER AGAIN!! I don't know what whats going to happen but I hope it will be good.