What my dreams may come

So I have been having allot of "flashbacks" of dreams that I have had in my life and if you know me I have dreams every night, that adds up to allot of dreams. Some of the dreams I remember having is (when I was around 7-8) a man trying to kill me wearing blue jeans a hooded jacket and a "Jason" mask or hockey goal keeper mask I remember him being on top of me and beating me with a machete or large knife.

 When I was in high school I had such vivid dreams that I thought they were real and they usually consisted of when I was at school like in class or in the lunch room or hanging out. Then where I would be driving and have a wreck with an expensive car then wake up realizing it was just a dream. (scared me thinking that I would have to pay for a new car). 

This dream still has had such an impact on me I still feel the feelings I had in the dream, I was expecting a baby and while expecting something happened to my husband that when I went into labor he wasn't able to be there for our first baby, I felt so alone that I had to do this all by my self. As I was giving birth the Dr.s & nurses didn't say a word to me or each other then after the birth the Dr.s and nurses ran out of the room and never said a word to me and they just left me there by myself just hanging out in the room with nobody I felt so alone and abandon it really affected me. This was some 10-15 yrs before meeting my husband because I know he never would do that.

But talk about babies I just had  a dream last night where my husband and I did have a baby didn't know the sex of the baby because in my dream it was young enough that it was still bald and it had a thing where it goes over the head then snaps under the diper it was white, I was happy as a clam then I woke up to my husband taking pillows out from my arms... aperantly the dream affectd me so much that I was hugging pillows and thought they were a baby. and I'm thinking I'm getting a little baby hungry can ya tell :))


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