
Showing posts from November, 2008

boy do I sound carnal

so I was reading my last entry and boy I sound so carnal and ugly. usually if people have grown up in the church they would have the church as there top and only priority in there life and then there is me....... I love food, my bed, sleep and my cats and I only mention the church like once and that's it.

my 5 list

5 things you want to do before you die: 1-finish my education 2- get married 3- have kids 4- watch my kids grow up happy 5- live happily ever after with my hubby 5 things that make you absolutely happy: 1- having a bed to sleep in at night 2- that I have two cats who surprisingly are still here and love me 3- knowing that my house is still standing at the end of the day 4- that my car still runs at the end of the day 5- that I have a brain to think with, a heart that beats every min of every day, the freedom to chose how I feel, and air in my lungs. 5 places you want to visit: 1- Grand Teton National Park in Wyo. (absolutely LOVE that place I could live there!) 2- Chicago 3- the state of Maine 4- New York City where the twin towers fell (as a family we saw them a month before they fell so I would like to go back) 5- the strip at Las Vegas I haven't been there in a long time 5 places you have visited: 1- Fairbanks, AK 2- Beijing, China 3- West Yellowstone National Park 4-

I hate to love being sick

I know the title is/can be confusing, but I hate being sick because I feel like stinky swamp mud. but at the same time I can get away of being lazy and not do anything. So this is how it all went down. On Tuesday I could just feel it coming like having a gut feeling that something is going to happen and when it did I was right on, yesterday it came like a Tornado! The stinky thing is is that I had school and work. I had to go to school because we were getting ready for a test, and at work we are so understaffed that if I called in somebody would have to cover my shift but would get overtime, I didn't want to do that to anybody because it stinks. Today I have to say that I'm lucky that my teacher is able to work with me and I'm able to take the test at a later time, also that I have the day off because I feel even worse. The nice thing about being sick and the reason why I'm even writing this is because part of being sick is that you can be lazy and get away with i

Jerry Sinfeld

so I was at home the other day listening to a conference report (I can't remember who the speaker was, sorry but I know it was a woman) from what I remember she was talking about dating, keeping your standards high, remembering that you a child of God, and respecting your date. but the thing that ran though my head was Jerry Seinfeld. If you have ever seen Seinfeld you know that he is VERY picky when he is dating a girl. he tends to pick out stupid little things that are no big deal. I think he can talk to the other person about compromise because I bet there are things that "bother" them too. I feel like that allot of guys here in Utah are like Jerry. "oh her hair isn't the right color of brown, she laughs to high, she doesn't dress quite the way I like, I don't like the way she eats, she's to wild(out of control)/boring(no personality) for me, she's to fat/skinny for my taste, she's to tall/short, her schedule doesn't co-inside with mi