so I was at home the other day listening to a conference report (I can't remember who the speaker was, sorry but I know it was a woman) from what I remember she was talking about dating, keeping your standards high, remembering that you a child of God, and respecting your date. but the thing that ran though my head was Jerry Seinfeld. If you have ever seen Seinfeld you know that he is VERY picky when he is dating a girl. he tends to pick out stupid little things that are no big deal. I think he can talk to the other person about compromise because I bet there are things that "bother" them too. I feel like that allot of guys here in Utah are like Jerry. "oh her hair isn't the right color of brown, she laughs to high, she doesn't dress quite the way I like, I don't like the way she eats, she's to wild(out of control)/boring(no personality) for me, she's to fat/skinny for my taste, she's to tall/short, her schedule doesn't co-inside with mi...