my 5 list
5 things you want to do before you die:
1-finish my education
2- get married
3- have kids
4- watch my kids grow up happy
5- live happily ever after with my hubby
5 things that make you absolutely happy:
1- having a bed to sleep in at night
2- that I have two cats who surprisingly are still here and love me
3- knowing that my house is still standing at the end of the day
4- that my car still runs at the end of the day
5- that I have a brain to think with, a heart that beats every min of every day, the freedom to chose how I feel, and air in my lungs.
5 places you want to visit:
1- Grand Teton National Park in Wyo. (absolutely LOVE that place I could live there!)
2- Chicago
3- the state of Maine
4- New York City where the twin towers fell (as a family we saw them a month before they fell so I would like to go back)
5- the strip at Las Vegas I haven't been there in a long time
5 places you have visited:
1- Fairbanks, AK
2- Beijing, China
3- West Yellowstone National Park
4- Hawaii
5- Rupert, Id
5 people you admire:
1- Jesus Christ
2- my supervisor
5 things of sentimental value or things you can't live without:
1- my cats thy keep me sain even thought they are not things
2- my bed I love my bed and sleep some nights I can't wait to go to bed just so I can fall asleep.
3- clothes
4- food
5- my t.v. I have to admit
5 things on this weeks to do list:
1- work
2- school
3- have to take a test
4- more work
5 of your favorite smells:
1- flowers
2- the way I smell after I get out of the shower, clean (I know that can sound creepy)
3- the way a new baby smells (not when they have a stinky diaper or anything of that nature)
4- a clean home
5- a good home cooked meal
5 favorite foods:
1- Chinese
2- bajo's
3- a turkey with a hint of "apple wood" seasonings, you have to savor the flavor to really taste it.
4- chicken, home baked not deep fried
5- Apple Beer from Brick Oven
5 people you tag:
1- Mom
2- John
3- Cindy
4- David
5- Alan