more info on Ian

well I have to say that I'll answer the ?'s that I got so far. Ian is LDS he served a mission in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma he was there when the bombings went off and all that hype so that's his little claim to fame. He works answering calls about Ipods? apples? might as well be pears and peaches for all I know. he's told me and to tell you the truth he has a job if anybody wants to know and he works for a living. also how we meet was through a co-worker of mine but first she was co-workers with him a while back and they became friends and she moved to a different job and she ended up working with me and she set us up and we've been together ever since. he's a great guy and he's not like a lot of other guys I've meet and lets just say he's not a guy who worships sports but he likes to watch them, he's not a lying backstabber who's going to go out and cheating on me when he has guy friends who he likes to hang out with every once in a while to have a boys night out, I have no problem with that because I know he's telling the truth,(because I trust him)with in the past I've had a very hard time trusting men, he makes me laugh with little inside jokes which I've never had with except with only family which is nice to have. he makes me feel special! and no other guy has ever made me feel special like he does!


Julie said…
Sounds great! I'm so happy for you.

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