
Showing posts from June, 2008

will you look at that!!

CAN YOU BELIEVE IT I GOT MY NAILS DONE!!! well you really can't tell I tried getting a closer pic but it came out blurry. but today is my only day off from work this week so guess what I did? I got done with school around two P.M. then I filled my portable pool up with water and thank goodness I live by myself but to bad I don't have a husband, because I had my own girl moment of tanning, soaking in the pool, listening to Josh Groban, ate Chinese takeout and to top it off ice cream, and of course I got my nails done. but with the ring I bought it at walmart like two years ago so nothing big but I thought it would be funny to wear it and take a pic of my nails and the ring. (my precious) but I have to admit I'm thinking of looking up on the Internet to see if any chick flicks are playing if not I'll stay home and watch one of my own. talk about being a total girl!!! with having no real full day to myself I have to take the later part of thurs. and the morning of Fri. to


So tonight I took an extra shift for a guy at work and it was with an apt. with two guys whom I have meet and have gotten to know briefly so they wouldn't be confused of why I was there tonight. so the guy that does the overnight shift comes into the apt. and called somebody and after the call he starts yelling at me saying that I wasn't doing my job and I thought what the heck are you talking about and I asked what he meant and he said that I/we (because there was somebody with me for a couple of hrs.) didn't go out and get some nasal spray that a client needed that he hasn't had for a week and two days now, that he's suppose to have when he takes his eight o'clock med. well I knew that this client had eight o'clock med but I didn't know that he was suppose to have the nasal spray. I noticed the empty box on the counter but I didn't know what it was for and I'm not the regular staff so I left it alone and I did everything that I was told to do


Talk about drama, the past month allot of "drama" has happened and if your in my immediate family you know what I'm talking about. But for me the saga continues but with school drama, and I'm not talking about the drama department putting on a play considering that there is no drama department at my school. Also you think there's allot of drama on the most popular T.V. show going on right now but this dwarf's it like an elf (Orlando Bloom) to Bilbo bagins (Elijah Woods) from "Lord of the Rings" Well we are doing the "hands on" portion of our CNA (certified nursing assistant) class and there is a girl in my class who lives in Sp. Fork and doesn't drive so she takes the UTA bus to get to school. well with us going to different locations she "doesn't" have a ride to get to the location sites and she freak's out for several days and call's not only me but almost every girl in class (and there are 30 plus people in o

my favorite band

I was bord so I thought that I would put this up because I'm a big fan. If you don't know who this is you really need to update your band/music info. It's Nickelback


need I say more?


I was so exited that I couldn't help but take a picture of me and my pool.... outside!!! I know this sounds shallow, vain, materialistic, whatever you want to say but I love my pool.

indoor pool ya!!

DO I LOOK SEXY OR WHAT!!! HAHAHA (ya right) as you can tell I just installed an indoor pool it took all but 30 min. to install am I good or what! that's what I call talent.


well I have to say that the past couple of weeks have been very interesting and as of right now I'm happy with my life. I love going to school and I'm loving my job the more I go. Another thing is that I just got my own private pool in my backyard!!! POOL PARTY AT MY HOUSE!!! the only thing is that we have to take turns considering that it's a kiddy pool hahaha. I do have a real pool behind the club house and it's for anybody who lives at Chambray and any "guest" my only rule for my pool is no peeing in the pool, everybody will know if you did anyways. Other that getting my own "pool" nothing else is going on in my life well other than Alan graduating from High School. NO MORE H.S. GRADUATIONS FOR A VERY LONG TIME!!! I'm so glad. one thing that sucks of being the oldest of 6 kids is that you have to go to 6 H.S. graduations yours, and 5 others "your siblings" so Alan being the youngest I'm glad that there are no more. now there is