Talk about drama, the past month allot of "drama" has happened and if your in my immediate family you know what I'm talking about. But for me the saga continues but with school drama, and I'm not talking about the drama department putting on a play considering that there is no drama department at my school. Also you think there's allot of drama on the most popular T.V. show going on right now but this dwarf's it like an elf (Orlando Bloom) to Bilbo bagins (Elijah Woods) from "Lord of the Rings" Well we are doing the "hands on" portion of our CNA (certified nursing assistant) class and there is a girl in my class who lives in Sp. Fork and doesn't drive so she takes the UTA bus to get to school. well with us going to different locations she "doesn't" have a ride to get to the location sites and she freak's out for several days and call's not only me but almost every girl in class (and there are 30 plus people in our class) talking so fast that we can't understand her on top of that she text's everybody wanting a ride and "manipulating" everybody to take her were she wants. she is more than able to take the bus to the locations but has the "pity party, boo hoo, whow as me" thing going on and people are seeing right thorough it like a window. I had to pick her up the other day and I mentioned that I didn't like that she was texting me on Father's Day and freaking out that she didn't have a ride. she started crying and all that, I ignored her and she "cried" even more because I didn't buy into it. the thing is that there has been teachers and students that have tried to "help" her but nothing has helped. my classmates and I have come to the conclusion that she needs to grow up and realize that she needs to get a driver's licence and get a cheap car maybe even a scooter to get around in and take control of her own life. instead of everybody having to "deal" with her and her instabilities. On top of that she has a crush on one of our male teachers who is happily married and she still flirts uncontrollably towards him. I know that he has told her to "back off" in a nice way but she still flirts towards him, for instance Wait's for him on our lunch break (inbeween classes) to eat lunch with him in his office. the funny thing is that he avoids his office now. there has been times where he would be walking down the hall and she would be on the opposite side of the hall walking towards him and he would go around some other way to avoid her so he doesn't have to "deal" with her. You know how sad that is? I don't blame him. He's not the only one she has targeted she has targeted other male teachers, male rep.'s for the school, and even male students. I thought my life was messed up!! BOY WAS I WRONG!!! looking at her and her life then looking at my life, I've got it made big time. I have my own issues but I do my best to keep them under control and drama free as posible. others might think diffrent.


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