
So tonight I took an extra shift for a guy at work and it was with an apt. with two guys whom I have meet and have gotten to know briefly so they wouldn't be confused of why I was there tonight. so the guy that does the overnight shift comes into the apt. and called somebody and after the call he starts yelling at me saying that I wasn't doing my job and I thought what the heck are you talking about and I asked what he meant and he said that I/we (because there was somebody with me for a couple of hrs.) didn't go out and get some nasal spray that a client needed that he hasn't had for a week and two days now, that he's suppose to have when he takes his eight o'clock med. well I knew that this client had eight o'clock med but I didn't know that he was suppose to have the nasal spray. I noticed the empty box on the counter but I didn't know what it was for and I'm not the regular staff so I left it alone and I did everything that I was told to do. I made sure they had dinner, had there lunches made, had there med at the right time, I went and played billiards with one of the clients and took them both on a walk and dropped the one at his girlfriends house to hang out with his girlfriend (who I just happen to work with on Mon. Tues. and Fri.) made sure that they got a snack, watched some t.v. with them oh and even made sure some laundry was done. so I was doing my job I even made sure that the apt. looked decent so I personally don't know what his problem is. I'm still learning because I feel like if I don't do anything right I'll get fired from my job and I really have enjoyed working with these people. I'm thinking that if another person asks me to work a shift for then I'll say NO because of what happened of getting yelled at. I know that may sound selfish on my part but with every apt. there is always a new set of rules because everybody is so different, and how things are run. but I know that there is structure as a whole with the documentation. (With working with the mentally disabled you have to DOCUMENT EVERYTHING, IF YOU DON'T YOU CAN GET FIRED FASTER THAN YOU CAN SAY HI. Anybody who works in the medical Field knows what I'm talking about you have to document everything!!!! with working with the mentally disabled you have to document the behaviors as well. just a little FYI ) sorry if I sound like I'm venting it's because I am!!! I just think that guy needs to get his own med for male PMS. hahaha


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