
Showing posts from July, 2008


THIS IS WHAT I FEEL LIKE ABOUT EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! school, work, life in general. I get to bed at a decent hr. and get up in time to get ready for school and I have had several people tell me that I get to much sleep. I don't think so I have been going to bed and getting up around the same time for the past yr. to me personally I think it's the new job that I got working with mentally challenged. at my other jobs that I have had I never felt like this. I feel so worn out mentally, physically,emotionally, spiritually. every aspect of my life I feel so drained. I'm thinking of going to the Dr. to see what's up..... or down. I feel tired all the time no matter what time of the day it is I'm tired. by the way No, I don't have mono I haven't shared any drinking glasses, kissed adybody with mono if anybody wanted to know.

to go along with my last entry

So I got the ENSIGN the other day and on the cover is a "single" girl. and on the bottom right hand corner of course the heading is about "singles." so I took it to work today and I read the "cover story" and it was/is EXACTLY HOW I FEEL AS A SINGLE PERSON IN UTAH!!! read the ENSIGN and you'll know what I'm talking about. especially how I've been feeling for the past couple of yrs. and just how frustrating it's been, but a nice reminder that I need to focus on becoming a better individual and working on my strengths/weaknesses a better friend, and not so much "obsessing" on why I haven't gotten married yet.


So for the past year ever sense I started school I have meet so many girls/women that have a boyfriend, married, pregnant, or have kids. The girls/women have been all ages from 15 to 50. I think they are all so lucky because they know what it's like to have a successful relationship with a guy, know what it's like to be pregnant and have kids. for me I've had A relationship but officiously that didn't last long at all. I know that there are men that are weirdo's out there and to be careful of who to trust. but to tell you the truth I'm getting sick of being the only girl that's single and have no prospects in sight. doesn't help that I go to school full time and switching from part time to full time at work. I've had so many people ask so surprisingly "Your not married, no kids, you don't have a boyfriend?" of course I always say no and I always get the same reaction from them. I know I need to wait to "find Mr. Right" b

me at Sundance

Well a couple of Sundays ago I decided not to go to church after work but go up to Sundance and take some pictures, boy was it busy. there were allot of people all over but luckily I was able to get a picture by myself just for the heck of it! well in two weeks my life is going to get even more crazy I've decided to go full time at work so my life WILL consist of only three things work, school, and sleep. (and I wonder why I'm not married yet) talk about not being married! so a co-worker came and worked with me for a couple of hrs and it was the first time that we have worked together and they asked if I was married and I said no, they sounded so surprised that I wasn't yet. for me that was a first that somebody sounded surprised, usually people are like oh.... what's wrong with you. (just by the look on their face I can tell even though they don't say anything) especially sense I'm 30, single, and living in Utah. for me right now I'm not looking because I&#

feeling like and animal tonight!!!

so I sent alot of people an e-mail about this already but if I missed you I'm sorry but I'll tell it again. so I was sitting on my couch being a couch potato and I herd a noise, I thought nothing of it because I thought it was my cats. well 5 min later I hear it again and I saw both my cats and they were sitting there minding there own buisness so I get up and I see a RACOON scratching the glass on my back door and instead of calling the wildlife rescue I call my mom freacking out!! HOLY COW YOU WOULD NOT BELIVE WHAT'S IN MY BACKYARD! all while this is going on I'm taking pictures (hence the picture) and this one is the best one I got well after talking to her I called the wildlife people and they said to just leave it alone and everything will be OK. so then I thought might as well send people some e-mails and write on my blog about it. so there you go.

my new do

I know I look weird and I know I go through hair styles like a teenage girl who can't make up her mind, when there is a VERY cute boy who is waiting for her at the front door, and has the biggest crush on and wants to look good. well I just took a picture to say look at my new do I got it chemiclly straightened and yes this is my natural hair color the last time I colored it was when I started school last year. to me my hair looks like it is light brown with a reddish tint. I could be wrong. oh well