me at Sundance

Well a couple of Sundays ago I decided not to go to church after work but go up to Sundance and take some pictures, boy was it busy. there were allot of people all over but luckily I was able to get a picture by myself just for the heck of it! well in two weeks my life is going to get even more crazy I've decided to go full time at work so my life WILL consist of only three things work, school, and sleep. (and I wonder why I'm not married yet) talk about not being married! so a co-worker came and worked with me for a couple of hrs and it was the first time that we have worked together and they asked if I was married and I said no, they sounded so surprised that I wasn't yet. for me that was a first that somebody sounded surprised, usually people are like oh.... what's wrong with you. (just by the look on their face I can tell even though they don't say anything) especially sense I'm 30, single, and living in Utah. for me right now I'm not looking because I'm to busy with all of the above. I just don't have the time plus I'm happy with where I'm at in my life. that's the last thing I want to have come along is a guy being interested in me and wanting to date me. I know I sound so self absorbed or selfish but I would rather get through school and have something under my belt so I can support myself so if I ever did get married and then have something happen to my husband we have something to fall back on and we can still be financially OK. I'll stop now. The End


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