so I sent alot of people an e-mail about this already but if I missed you I'm sorry but I'll tell it again. so I was sitting on my couch being a couch potato and I herd a noise, I thought nothing of it because I thought it was my cats. well 5 min later I hear it again and I saw both my cats and they were sitting there minding there own buisness so I get up and I see a RACOON scratching the glass on my back door and instead of calling the wildlife rescue I call my mom freacking out!! HOLY COW YOU WOULD NOT BELIVE WHAT'S IN MY BACKYARD! all while this is going on I'm taking pictures (hence the picture) and this one is the best one I got well after talking to her I called the wildlife people and they said to just leave it alone and everything will be OK. so then I thought might as well send people some e-mails and write on my blog about it. so there you go.