
Showing posts from October, 2008
som pics from sundance nothing that GREAT I thought it was going to be looking better but thats wat you get, I'm not that bumed out.

fall is finally here

these pics are outside my front door I took them befor I got the idea to go up the canyon to take more. but I hope to remember to post them if not be patient and I'll eventually remember. I have to say I LOVE the fall!! for me I always feel hot so the cool air feels good, well also that I love halloween. I think I just love the feel of getting to dress up and have fun parties with family and friends and to pretend to be some"body/thing" else than yourself for one night or several depending if you have more than one party on sevral diffrent nights. the funny thing about the start of the holidays I love halloween, Thanksgiving is good, Christmas is ????, New years, what's that? I haven't had a "normal" new year's in a while well last year was intresting now that I think about it it's pritty funny. I think I even posted it. but it always seems that I have to work that night so I alway end up being by myself. this year I have no Idea what or where

no wonder I'm not married or have friends!!!!!!

I'm thinking of dressing like this all year round and joining a monastery, the reasons are all below and as you go down the line of pic's more you will understand. because I'm to WILD AND CRAZY FOR THE STATE OF UTAH!!!!!!! first off look how I do my hair, I'm stuck in the 80's. this is how I dress when I go to school with signs all over I look like a hooker Then for food, I have no will power of knowing when to stop. I can't help but eat myself till I'm the size of Texas and Alaska put together! right when you thought I looked bad for school this is what I look like when I go out on the town! I'm the PIMPS one and only mistress, and this is looking mild to what I look like normally I call this the "Chicago look" I think I look better that Kathryn-zeta-Jones, Queen Latifa, and what's her name in the movie "Chicago" all rolled together in one. you can't forget that I do my own modeling in my own studio. no wonder I have

so this is what I do on my time off, pritty sad huh!!!

really close up of me so you can get a look at my fake eye lashes (the pic didn't come out as clear as I wanted but I guess it's better than having it really blurry) me trying to be a "BAD FAIRY" (or fairy gone wrong) with a smirk on my face. well that's what you get when you live by yourself and you have to put the camera on something and take a pic of yourself looking......well...... you decide. I like this picture, it's kind of fun, especially that you can see my tattoo. it gives the "fairy gone wrong" more meaning because whenever I think of fairies I think of Tinker Bell and she's good, cute, and has no tattoo's etc. but I think it's funny that I'm sporting the Asian look in the background in all three pic's. you would think I would do something that made it look like I was somewhere scary!!! The reason for me putting pics up a little more than a week before Halloween is because I had the day off, I was board, and I want

just a few things for my b-day

This is called a neti pot it helps with your sinus' it's pretty cool!! specially for allergies to keep your sinus' clean. I got these flowers from my sis-in-law pretty cool huh!!! you can say that I ultimately got these shoes from my dad I have high heels but I didn't have "stilettos" all my other high heels have thick heels not these, hope I don't break an ankle!! top view so you can see the bow. so those are just some things I got for my b-day nothing spectacular which I don't mind. I'm glad for keeping things simple. I would rather keep things simple than having elaborate things for my b-day. when I was younger I wanted to have elaborate party's now that I'm older I would like to just have a fun party with family and close friends, a cake and few simple presents that's it because I would rather be with family and close friends than worldly possessions because if somethin


So I started this Accounting class two weeks ago and I have to say after two weeks I dislike it very much the first thing is that my teacher is going way to fast and I don't understand him half the time. I would ask him more questions so I could understand better but I have a half hr. lunch break and then I have another class and by the time it's lunch time I'm starving so I eat lunch then it's time for my other class (which I like and have fun in) then after that class I have to go straight to work. how FRUSTRATING!!!!!!!!!!!! Talk about frustrating!! I have been frustrated with my job for quite some time I feel like EVERYTHING is dumped on me and I have to live these people's lives for them I have to cook, cut up food for them so they don't choke, clean, shop, do finances, go to the bank, PAPER WORK, help them take a shower, deal with there "snotty attitude", give them there meds, and if they have a headache give them a pain reliever, behaviors that

Just what I'm thinking

So last night I was hanging out with Cindy and her friends. I forgot how much fun it is to be around other girls who have the same standards as me. and how much fun it can be to have good clean fun even if you just sit, talk, and kind of play a game and watch Mr. Bean. You can't go wrong with that!!! Ever scenes I started school I've been around people who have different "standards" and I'm feeling it!! you think that being in Utah everybody would have the same standards but for the past yr. people have been coming out of the wood work like you would not believe. I've meet so many girls who are "single" parents out of wedlock, different religions, don't have religion, and don't believe in religion. Also people who think having a good time is getting drunk and watching your kids/others doing something to entertain you. well also just having others to talk to and not having to listen to there problems and them talking about themselves and bei