so this is what I do on my time off, pritty sad huh!!!

really close up of me so you can get a look at my fake eye lashes (the pic didn't come out as clear as I wanted but I guess it's better than having it really blurry)
me trying to be a "BAD FAIRY" (or fairy gone wrong) with a smirk on my face. well that's what you get when you live by yourself and you have to put the camera on something and take a pic of yourself looking......well...... you decide.
I like this picture, it's kind of fun, especially that you can see my tattoo. it gives the "fairy gone wrong" more meaning because whenever I think of fairies I think of Tinker Bell and she's good, cute, and has no tattoo's etc. but I think it's funny that I'm sporting the Asian look in the background in all three pic's. you would think I would do something that made it look like I was somewhere scary!!!
The reason for me putting pics up a little more than a week before Halloween is because I had the day off, I was board, and I wanted to see how long and hard it would be to put on my fake eye lashes and it kind of took off from there, well I had nothing else to do might as well. I had fun!! the funny thing is that I have a couple of ideas for next year of what I want to be for Halloween, good thing I have a year to decide.


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