
So I started this Accounting class two weeks ago and I have to say after two weeks I dislike it very much the first thing is that my teacher is going way to fast and I don't understand him half the time. I would ask him more questions so I could understand better but I have a half hr. lunch break and then I have another class and by the time it's lunch time I'm starving so I eat lunch then it's time for my other class (which I like and have fun in) then after that class I have to go straight to work. how FRUSTRATING!!!!!!!!!!!! Talk about frustrating!! I have been frustrated with my job for quite some time I feel like EVERYTHING is dumped on me and I have to live these people's lives for them I have to cook, cut up food for them so they don't choke, clean, shop, do finances, go to the bank, PAPER WORK, help them take a shower, deal with there "snotty attitude", give them there meds, and if they have a headache give them a pain reliever, behaviors that go on, PAPER WORK, take them to the dentist, Dr.'s appointments, MORE PAPER WORK, do there laundry, do the maintenance, do the dishes, hang out with them, breaking up disagreements (being a referee), listen to repeated story's on just what happened with me there (so I have to relive the whole thing...again...and again...and again), take them to MACEYS to get a POP!! GOT TO HAVE A POP!!!! do more paper work (and that's if you have time), pack a lunch for the next day during the week,then start it all over again the next day. the thing is that I only have 7 hrs to do all of this in, not a full 15 hr. day that the rest of the world has. all you mom's out there I'd like you to see you do a full day in 7 hrs if you can your a super mom. oh and if you haven't done paper work yet you've got like an hrs. worth of paper work if you haven't been keeping up and your lucky to get it all done all in one sitting with no interruptions!!the thing is that with these people they NEVER GROW UP MENTALLY so I know what it's like to have kids but people with kids I have to say your kids WILL GROW UP AND START LEAVING YOU ALONE!! these guys are the same all the time every day every year they will ALWAYS BE KIDS MENTALLY so I can never get away from this. unless I quit and I'm not planning on quiting for as long I'm in school and that will be for quite some time. oh the other thing is that with these guys they have had so many "staff" people come into there life's and then 3 months later those "staff" people leave so they haven't had that stability that everybody else has so when ever there is a "new staff" they hang on for dear life and won't let go like there life depended on it. I'd hate to say it but I can feel it, I feel like they are seriously suck the life out of me because they are ssssoooo cleangy and that I have to do EVERYTHING for them. and it will never stop till they die. the thing is that with these people you can't go and lock your door to your bedroom to get away from them for a while is because your in their home and so the only place you can really get away for a min. is the bathroom and even then they are talking to you through the door needing and wanting your help that sec. and no matter how many time you explain that "your busy" that doesn't even register in there head that "your busy in the bathroom!!"


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