This is called a neti pot it helps with your sinus' it's pretty cool!! specially for allergies to keep your sinus' clean.

I got these flowers from my sis-in-law pretty cool huh!!!

you can say that I ultimately got these shoes from my dad I have high heels but I didn't have "stilettos" all my other high heels have thick heels not these, hope I don't break an ankle!!

top view so you can see the bow.
so those are just some things I got for my b-day nothing spectacular which I don't mind. I'm glad for keeping things simple. I would rather keep things simple than having elaborate things for my b-day. when I was younger I wanted to have elaborate party's now that I'm older I would like to just have a fun party with family and close friends, a cake and few simple presents that's it because I would rather be with family and close friends than worldly possessions because if something happened you can replace them but you can't replace friendships with that person etc...that's what I Cherish most!