Just what I'm thinking

So last night I was hanging out with Cindy and her friends. I forgot how much fun it is to be around other girls who have the same standards as me. and how much fun it can be to have good clean fun even if you just sit, talk, and kind of play a game and watch Mr. Bean. You can't go wrong with that!!! Ever scenes I started school I've been around people who have different "standards" and I'm feeling it!! you think that being in Utah everybody would have the same standards but for the past yr. people have been coming out of the wood work like you would not believe. I've meet so many girls who are "single" parents out of wedlock, different religions, don't have religion, and don't believe in religion. Also people who think having a good time is getting drunk and watching your kids/others doing something to entertain you. well also just having others to talk to and not having to listen to there problems and them talking about themselves and being so self absorbed. (I know we all do it every once in a while just to vent) I don't mind every once in a while to just have sombody to just listen to because of being frustrated of life in general. I think I am the person that everybody vents to.


Rilla said…
That's nice you had a good time. It is nice to be with people who believe like you do. Keep the faith Amy.
Thanks Cindy for inviting her! MOM

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