
Showing posts from 2009

I love my boyfriend!

so I have to say I hope this works because I`m doing this on my phone but I have to say that my boyfriend is great and we`ve decided to get married but we arn`t getting married tommarrow and we arn`t getting married next month we are getting married in Sept. so if you have a problem that`s your oun falt. but we are happy and that`s that :)

I have to say that I love having this relationship

update on the relationship if anybody cares. I have to say things are looking up and no complaints whatsoever we have talked about alot of things and we see eye to eye on alot of things. you know how nice it is to see eye to eye on things it feels GREAT! knowing that the guy I'm dating feels and thinks alot the same as I do feels great and I no he's not a girl. but I have to say that he's wonderful he's nice to me and he's so kind and he's just wonderful!

more info on Ian

well I have to say that I'll answer the ?'s that I got so far. Ian is LDS he served a mission in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma he was there when the bombings went off and all that hype so that's his little claim to fame. He works answering calls about Ipods? apples? might as well be pears and peaches for all I know. he's told me and to tell you the truth he has a job if anybody wants to know and he works for a living. also how we meet was through a co-worker of mine but first she was co-workers with him a while back and they became friends and she moved to a different job and she ended up working with me and she set us up and we've been together ever since. he's a great guy and he's not like a lot of other guys I've meet and lets just say he's not a guy who worships sports but he likes to watch them, he's not a lying backstabber who's going to go out and cheating on me when he has guy friends who he likes to hang out with every once in a while to h

Ian and me

so Ian and I have been together for only a couple of weeks maybe longer and it seems like we have been together for years!! when we went out the second date we talked for hours and hours we couldn't stop talking we forgot that we were playing a game of pool. well we haven't been able to stop talking to each other so of course that is a very very good thing and we have everything in common well he's a boy and I'm a girl. he keeps surprising me more and more about things that makes me want to be with him even more the same thing with him, I have blown him away so many times he's always wondering what I'm going to do or say next so I've got him hooked big time!!!!! but he's from San Fransisco and he's NOT GAY I know this because he's VERY ATTRACTED TO ME! he's 35 and very much single no strings attached. if you want to know more just let me know

my boyfriend and me

so last night we were talking and I'm like we don't have a picture of us on my camera so lets take some pictures so here are two of them the first one we took we both look like we were drunk don't worry we weren't drunk but we just look like it. but the next one we both liked it so there you go. if you have any problems TO BAD I LIKE HIM ALLOT

what a party!

need I say more about the kind of party we had?

what's going to happen next?

so I have to tell you that I was talking with a co-worker last Wednesday and she's like hey there's a friend who is a guy that I think you guys would really hit it off! and I'm like OK and I sat there for a min. thinking to myself is this going to be a big mistake? a couple of days later she gave me his # and I text him later on that night we have been texting ever since. the odd thing is that we have so many things in common it's scary I've asked myself if is this guy gay, has a girlfriend, engaged, married and has a family, mentally challenged? the funny thing I asked him all that and he's as single as I am! "no strings attached " and nothing wrong (mentally) so we set up a time and a place to meet up but unfortunately has been sick the past couple of days and he doesn't want to risk getting me sick so he canceled the cool thing is that he did it ahead of time instead of last min. I think that is cool of him to let me know. so far he's a keep

hallloween party was so fun!

as you can tell that some had more of a wilder party than others like Jim checking out David's "rack" and the mad scientist assessing some kind of problem with David's back end. we all had such a good time!

I'm so proud of myself!

so for my b-day I asked for a power tool and when I asked for that people were like why would you need a power tool for? I'm like YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND I DO MY OWN PROJECTS ON MY HOUSE AND I DON'T NEED A REPAIR MAN TO PUT LIGHTBULBS IN WHEN I CAN DO IT MYSELF! the only time I'll get a repair man is when I don't know how to fix/do it myself other wize I would do it. so this is what I have done with my power tool and I have more projects to do!
so last saterday I took some of the guys I work with on a haunted train, it's great for the whole family,GREAT for little kids. the guys that I work with were scared that it was going to be really scary but when they got off the train they thought it was SO MUCH FUN! they want to do it again next year. all this week that's all this one guy talked about how we went on the haunted train! for me I'm like I know because I took you. the funny thing is that the guy that enjoyed it the most was the guy that said that he liked it the most.

some autumn pictures that I LOVE

I know I did this last year but I LOVE the autumn IT FEELS SO GOOD! the summers are always so hot and I'm always very unconfortably hot (it's like when you try to go to bed at night and it's way to hot to sleep and your just misrable) it's no fun being that way hence that's why I love the autumn.


I love,love,LOVE THIS WEATHER!!!! I have always been very hot blooded and this cooler weather feels SSSSSSSOOOOOOO good to me and so here is a picture of my front porch to get in the mood of halloween and the cooler weather

Rocky Mountain Raceway what a night!

so my brother in law wanted to race his new camero with his friend who just happened to get a new comreo and gave his old one to my brother in law so they wanted to race I wasn't able to get that race. But I was able to get a different one. went at 11 PM and didn't go to bed til 4 AM. it was allot of fun! allot of people, loud music, even louder cars who you would think that there engines were about to fall out of the car itself, can't forget the junk food! oh and to hear the people around us swearing every other word, for me I have no problem with the swearing I have a potty mouth myself. it was allot of fun!! just to be out of the "element" of being in Utah.

my First list

1. Who was my first love? I have to say that any of you who reads this probably knows who it is Landon Tooke. 2. Do you still talk to your first love? It's been a while sense I've last talked to him. 3. What was my first alcoholic drink? I think it was a beer. 4. What was my first Job? Provo Craft Warehouse 5. what was my first car? Honda 6. who was the first person to text you today? Cindy my sister 7. who was the first person in your thoughts today? Eminem I woke up with his latest song "beautiful" 8. First grade Teacher? I don't remember but I do remember my second grade teacher miss Hanson 9. my first plane ride? from what I remember to California 10. first Best friend and do we still talk? Kimberly Van levan, I have her # but I haven't called her yet but we have e-mailed 11. where was my first sleepover? I honestly don't remember 12. who is the first person I talked to today? my Mom 13. who's was the first wedding I've been to? the earlies

oh the joys of life

so a couple of weeks ago I was at work and wrecked my car and so I've had to drive the my moms sub but then my sister the bestst in the world found this car and my mom and I test drove it a couple of times and my mom was sold on the car the first time we drove it so I ended up buying it and heres a pic of what it looks like

got to love people at baseball games

so Cindy and I were sitting there at an owelz game and she's like "lets take a picture" so we started taking pictures with her jacked up phone and this is one of the pictures when we saw the picture we both noticed the girl in the background and just started laughing. I started thinking to myself what is going through her head or more like what is she trying to pass hopefully not gas either that or she's just not into the game, come on was it that bad!?! then I started making comments to Cindy of what I can say on my blog but then I thought you know what? you can make your own "Ad Lib" to what she might be thinking....or doing you decide. but I have to say which girl is more distrot the one with her hair pulled back or the one with the sun glasses in her hair? oh and by the way I think that Cindy and I look FAB!!!!

I love cooke city!!!

so I just relized that I put pictures of me, well then I thought well this is my blog and so I can be in it if I want so there! but I have to say that I love cooke city and it's the best!! the first three days I was there I was sore because the first day we went four wheeling, next day we went horse back riding and on the third day we went on a river rafting trip for a day then the rest of the trip I just recovered and that was fun in in itself.

West Wendover

so I went on a little get away for myself so I can stay sain and to just regroup as a human being. don't get me wrong I had the time of my life in Lake Powell I just needed "alone time" I thought it was funny with the Utah/Navada state line across the street I've never seen that before! with me on the bed I was trying to get a picture like George on "Sinfeild" and that's the best picture without making myself look that's why I have this one instead of one of the others, trust me I look like a dork in the others! oh and with the salt flats I've never been there and it was on the way to West Wendover, it made me want to drive my car off the road and drive as fast as I can without scaring myself pantless but then I thought I just bought new tires and I can't aford to get new ones so I stayed on the road. mabey another lifetime in a clunker that is ready to fall apart.

fun in Lake Powell

I had SSSSSSOOOOOO MUCH FUN!!! every day I was there I would tell everybody how happy I was to be there. IT WAS A MUCH NEEDED VACATION!!!!! the first night I got there we watched a movie on the rock, what was really funny was that all but two? people fell asleep during the movie.the picture with Eric and I we were on our way back from Rainbow Bridge and we got bord so we started talking and with the wind our mouths got dry so we pushed our lips up so all you could see is our teeth.

post 4th of july and mothers!

so of course can you tell I'm dragging "others" into my little fixation on baseball I'm just doing it one at time

pre fourth of July

So I usually go to the Balloon Fest for the fourth of July so I did that then went to a baseball game with Eric and watched fireworks afterwards I don't think you can't get any more American than that!

"memories, from the corners of my mind" from Barbra Srtisand?

so yesterday I went to Provo craft to pick something up and I saw a pigeon, I watched it as I was walking to the store and it reminded me of Europe when my family and I lived there for a yr. we would make fun of the pigeons there in Europe because we had nothing else to do while we were on some excursion in some country in western Europe. don't get me wrong we had a great time, we made it more intresting by making fun of pigeions!

random thoughts by Amy (I hope this is not to graphic to those who read this and I don't inend to offend)

so I was talking with a co-worker last week and I randomly asked her what was better sex or better than sex cake? she looked at me funny and just laughed (by the way she has been married) she asked me where I came up with that question and I told her I was wondering about it and thought I would ask, her reply was the best thing to do is eat some cake after I get married, I thought to myself that is a posability mabey I'll try it when I get married. in the meantime I'll never know and that's ok by me, might as well just enjoy the cake.

eairly morning pics

so the other night I woke up at a very insaine time in the morning and couldn't fall back asleep so I decided to get up and take some pictures at a park and here are some of them, it's not much. but right when I wanted to take more pictures a big group of people came out of nowhere and started walking around and started to warm up for yoga and so I ran away! the reason why is I would have scared them by the way I looked, like a HOBO! because I just happened to throw on whatever clothes I could find and my hair was matted down on one side of my head and spiked up on the other side and it looked pretty nasty because I used moose the day before so my hair didn't look pritty. to top it off I had my sunglasses on so I just looked scarry like a hobo. the funny thing is that I had flip flops on and decided to cut across the grass not thinking that the grass was wet and cold so trying to see a person of my size run is not pritty also my pants were getting wet because the pants t

EXITMENT at Thanksgiving Point

so the other day I go to Thanksgiving Point with my Grandma, Mom, John and my aunt and uncle it was so much fun!!! well anyways at the end of our day Grams needed to use the restroom and we all see this guy standing near the restroom area and I thought nothing of it but everybody else thought it so odd to see a guy in a suit. well anyways while I was waiting for Grams to come out of the restroom I sit down in her wheelchair and wheel around the area and low and behold a guy comes walking out of the restroom area and it took me a min. to really realize who it was,because he was walking around shaking peoples hands and he comes over and starts to shake my hand and in the middle of shaking his hand I stand up (and mind you I'm sitting in grandmas wheelchair) and it took him back for a sec. to have somebody sitting in a wheelchair suddenly stand up in the middle of a hand shake and to see the look on his face for a sec. was pretty funny. and the man who I'm talking about is Pres.

how powerful dreams can be

so my family knows that I'm a big dreamer meaning that I have dreams every night. all growing up and to this day I have dreams! well last night I had a dream and I had an epiphany or more like a realization while I had this dream that ever scenes I have had this job my quality of life has gone down hill and fast. and what I mean by this is that within a year of having this job my health has gone down hill, my attitude about things have changed dramatically and my house is a total wreck. among allot of other aspects in my life. I didn't really acknowledge this til just last night when in my dream the program director called me into his office and confronted me on allot of things that I did and almost loosing my job they would give me one last chance to do my things right and if I flub up one more time I have no job. that scared the living daylights out of me because just the day before I had a miscommunication with the assistant manager with some things and the manager came an

baseball junkie

For all of you that read this I'm a big sucker for baseball and baseball season is on it's way of being in full swing. so far I've only watched one game on T.V. with the Yankees and the Red Socks, I don't know who won I was at work so that's my lame excuse of not finishing the game. what's really sad is that I have a doorbell ringer that can change tunes and I switched the tune to "Take me out to the ball game"

what a day

so I go to work and I have a bad feeling and I was right somthing happened I had a plastic gun thrown at my head and I ended up with three staples in my head!!! and then my supervisor made me stay and finish my shift!! and he was mad that he had to come back and cover for a couple of hrs while I went to the hospial. I'm talking to the head guy and telling him what happened.

new friends in dreams

so I know my mom will love this and she knows why. so I had a dream the other night and that I became friends with Ellen DeGenres (I think that's how you spell her last name) And Vin Desiel and I hung out with them all the time and had the privlage to go to there houses well I even helped Vin go apt. shoping and the place was huge!!! well this one day I went to go visit Vin and outside his apt bulding is a park and I was walking across the park and it seemed that everybody that I ever knew in my life was in that park and they all wanted to sit and chat with me and know all the gory details of my life and what I was up to and I didn't want to I felt like I moved on with my life and had new friends and I felt like nobody wanted me to move on to be with my new friends not thats bad but I felt like I was so held back and that I couldn't move on with my life. talk about frustating!!!!! but who wouldn't want to be friends with Ellen Degeners somebody who can make you laug

four eyes

so another thing of getting old I just don't have reg. glasses they are bi-focals how lucky am I????

My Vegas trip

so I have been so busy with things that I forgot that I have this and so scence today I have time might as well post somthing. so the begining of this month I went to Las Vegas with my Dad,Jolyn, and Bethany for a couple of days and it was fun and intresting so here are some pictures of what we did. but of corse we did a lot of walking nothing new.